lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

the good and the bad of the university

When i begin to study  in the University of Chile i liked, because it was new for me, and i knew people very nice, but the bad experience begin when  begin the exams (A’s) because i thought that it not was so difficult, but i wrong me . i studied so much and i struggled, but nothing worked, i stressed, my hair fell out,  i got pimples and i felt very bad, because i felt frustrated and failed. Also i don’t understood to the professors, I really had a hard time adapting to the university level.

One good experience in the university was that in the first semester of the career, the professors(pharmacist) they took us to the different places where a pharmacist work. I liked this experience because I understood that really liked the career that I was study, and this that made me feel confident about what I chose to study
The thing that i hate that there is not time for other things outside the university, because is very demanding.
The possible solutions for to do other thing is to organize the time very well  for achieve to do things that i like.
The things that I liked of the university was the I learned so much about the chemistry, I really liked the laboratories because it help me to understood better  how chemistry works.

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