lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

posgraduate studies

I am currently study chemistry and pharmacy, for this i would like study a posgraduate related with this career. When I graduated in the future I would like work in the pharmaceutic industry, for that I thought that I need prepare better for this work and I have that learn more;  a good option is do a posdraduate. I have thought in a master in pharmaceutical sciences, because is perfect for contribute to the develop of the pharmaceutical science to a level of  excellence .and also I would like study courses related with this area how a course of pharmaceutical technology advance, and of course,  study  course  of  advanced English, because in the job  of the industry will be necessary master English perfectly, because to outdo yourself is always good.
I want study this master in the university of chile, because I consider that this studies house is a excellent  and  prestigious, but if it comes a opportunity  for study in the other  country I will not deny to consider it, because I will can learn  so much about other culture, other people  and work methods.
I would like study in person because, the interaction with the professor and the classmates is better for learn the easiest way, but I researched that  there are very good postgraduate courses online and also will be a good option for do a online master's degree  from o foreign university.

3 comentarios:

  1. I also want course a postgraduate in the University of Chile.

  2. I love all topics associated with the pharmaceutical sciences

  3. Pharmaceutical sciences have very options to make a postgraduate degree
